International Film Crew filming with Surrey's young carers

Parent carers, Young adult carers, Young carers
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Young Carer Voices UK Documentary

We were delighted to take part recently in the filming of a new documentary about the lives of young carers, directed by Mari Yamamoto a former young carer herself.

Working with Carer Consultant John Bangs, Mari has been filming a range of organisations and their young carers, including Carers Cymru, Kingston Carers, the Young Carers Alliance and ourselves, at Action for Carers.

Important aims

A key part of the documentary looks at the recognition and understanding of young carers over time, and how support has changed over the decades.

Mari interviewed three ‘generations’ of former young carers, who have been in that role at different points over the last several decades: carer expert Professor Saul Becker, Andy McGown of Carers Trust and our very own Russell Minns!

The aim of the final documentary is to improve understanding and support for carers everywhere, but notably in Mari’s country of origin, Japan, where young carers have no legal definition and no rights are guaranteed.

Young carers filming young carers for new documentary

Filming fun!

The team filmed at our offices for two days in June, with a number of young carers taking part.

The film crew taught the young carers how to use the SLR and video cameras, and they were able to experiment with the equipment as well as take part in some of the filming and interviewing. It was a hugely valuable experience and the young carers loved every minute.

We’re looking forward to seeing the final cut!

Mari Yamamoto, behind the camera

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